insight into how inmates spend their time. It is interesting to see the variety of reactions. Some people
vow never to be on the wrong side of the bars and some people indicate they could never be on the right
side of the bars because they could not tolerate being boxed in for the duration of their workday. Their
reactions are a constant reminder that we are lucky that we have dedicated employees who are willing to
endure what others might view as inconveniences that come with the job. It takes a very focused and
detail-oriented person to satisfactorily perform the duties of a correction officer. Ultimately, most people
leave the tour having gained a better appreciation of their freedom, after having glimpsed how incarceration
can deteriorate one’s lifestyle.
Every year we add categories to our web page that we feel might be of interest to the general public. In 2012
year we added a listing of open warrants, monthly arrest listings and press releases involving drug
investigations. Our site contains a lot of useful information and links to other agencies.
During our routine training exercises, members of the Sheriff’s Office Division
and Corrections Division engage in a little good natured competitive shooting.
In the Sheriff’s Office two Lieutenants tie for highest scores, having attained
scores of 100. They are current Road Patrol Lt. Tim Buckley and former Road
Patrol Lt. John Tahany (now retired.) In 2011 Jody Proffitt scored 99. In 2012
the winner was Deputy Tahir Haqq with a 99.
The Jail Division is still waiting for their first perfect score. But they have
recorded some fine scores and Sgt. Dwayne Finkle consistently scores well. He
scored “99" in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011. In 2010 CODennis Klimowski
scored a 99 and in 2012 he scored 99 twice.
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